Methods Of Consumption

Smoking is historically the most common way of consuming cannabis. Its effects are felt almost immediately and typically last 2-4 hours. There are a variety of ways to smoke cannabis, using a dry pipe, water pipe (bong), or rolling a joint. When smoking, it's quite easy to regulate (titrate) your dose, making it easy to reach your desired level of medication. While very effective, smoking isn't the healthiest method of consumption. We recommend vaporization, ingesting edibles, or using topicals as a healthier alternatives. Smokeable products include cannabis flower and concentrates (usually hash). We deliver cannabis flowers and pre-rolls throughout Los Angeles.

Vaporization is similar to smoking, but rather than burning, the cannabis is heated to a temperature at which the cannabinoids and terpenes are released as vapor. Vaporization is typically a healthier alternative to smoking. However, there are some health concerns present with this method of consumption. Vaporizers are relatively new and they haven't been tested for safety over long periods of time. The effects of vaporizing cannabis is felt almost immediately and the full effect will set in within 15 minutes. You can vaporize both cannabis flower and concentrates and there is a wide variety of vaporization hardware and cannabis products available. Vaporizer products include pre-filled cartridges, pods, batteries, devices, and more. We deliver cannabis vaporizer products throughout Los Angeles.

Edibles are designed to be ingested orally. The onset for oral ingestion is slower and lasts longer than with smoking or vaping. The effect typically takes 30-60 minutes for onset and can last 6 hours or more. This is due to the fact that when ingested, Δ9-THC undergoes a chemical transformation into 11-hydroxy-THC when metabolized your liver. This new compound is substantially more psychoactive than the former. Consumption of edibles is particularly effective for patients suffering from chronic pain or those who can't inhale their cannabis due to health concerns. However, dose titration is made more difficult with ingestion, largely due to variables like hydration, food intake, and metabolism. For this reason, always start with a small dose and wait an hour before ingesting more. Ingestible products include gummies, brownies, chocolates, and more. We deliver edible and ingestible cannabis products throughout Los Angeles.

Cannabis infused lotions, balms, oils, patches, and bath salts can be used topically to absorb medicine through your skin. This method of consumption is recommended for localized pain like arthritis. Many athletes benefit from the use of cannabis topicals, as cannabinoid infused lotions, oils, or even hydrotherapeutic products can decrease inflammation and help with relaxation or rest. There is evidence that shows effect onset within 15 minutes and relief that lasts for up to a day. Another benefit of topical medicines is that they are generally non-psychoactive (they won't get you 'high'). We deliver topical cannabis products throughout Los Angeles.

Sublinguals are designed to be placed under the tongue rather than swallowed and digested like traditional edibles. Sublingual delivery is faster-acting and offers users a more consistent effect than traditional edibles, since the cannabinoids are absorbed directly into your bloodstream as opposed to being digested first. The effect of sublinguals typically takes no more than 15 minutes to set in and the effect doesn’t last as long as traditional edibles. When consuming cannabis sublingually, one should hold the cannabis product under their tongue for a minute or more before swallowing for best absorption. The fact acting and cost effective nature of sublinguals is leading to increased popularity. Sublingual products include tinctures, sprays, drops, and strips. We deliver sublingual cannabis products throughout Los Angeles.